
 Melissa Dibble Spoke at American Bar Association’s 34th Annual Real Property, Trust & Estate Law National CLE Conference

Archer attorney Melissa Dibble recently spoke at the American Bar Association’s 34th Annual Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Virtual and In-Person National CLE Conference held from April 26-29, 2022

Melissa spoke on a panel on directed trusts on April 27th from 1pm – 2pm in the program “Who is the Fiduciary? Traditional and Non-Traditional Roles in the Administration of Directed Trusts”.

With the growing prevalence of directed trusts, questions arise about considerations in drafting directed trusts to reflect the additional players involved and to address litigation risks that may arise during trust administration. The panel will focus on the roles of directed trustees and trust directors in the administration of directed trusts, the extent of their respective responsibilities, and the extent of the liability each may face.

The panel addressed:

  • Is the trust director a fiduciary and what is the extent of the director’s liability;
  • Is a trustee’s obligation to follow the director absolute; and
  • Can the directed trustee reduce liability for bad decisions of the director by keeping beneficiaries informed and if so, how to proceed?

For more information on the conference, please click the following link: https://rptecleconference.com/